I am so excited to share my new Holiday Portfolio. Let me help you with your personal shopping with gifts she is sure to remember. Call me at 706-646-5638 or 770-365-8621 or go to my website: www.marykay.com/adunndeal and in the comments sec of your order reference this portfolio so I will know how to wrap it. Gift wrapping and shipping is free until December 12th.
I can remember once when I was a single mom with three small children, I receive assistance from All Saints Daycare where my twins attended. When I walked into the office to receive the food, I saw a sign that said, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.' The quotation played in my head for days. It has been over 25 years, but I know that was one of the turning points in my life where I began to walk out of victimization. A day care center that loved my girls even more than I was emotionally able to at the time. They showed me to how to give love I did not have by modelling the love of God before me in ordinary, daily ways. All Saints was a safe place for my girls and a good childhood memory. I was single, working and going to school. I am so grateful for the love they poured into my girls who are both awesome mamas today. They made difference in our family.
"The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him his own." Disraeli