Our small town is not known for its restaurants. There is one chain, and several mediocre restaurants, but there isn't one that you would write home about.
So when my son-in-law told me that he would like to take everyone out for a Christmas dinner while they were here, I asked him to give me time to think about it.
Finally I remembered Bugaboo Creek where Ray had taken me for my birthday. It is an hour away.
Bugaboo Creek is sort of an Outback geared towards families. It has a Canadian Lodge ambiance with animated critters from a talking moose to a swinging squirrel. Yet with all that going on, it is not noisy or obnoxious. They have tempered the animations so they are a delightful interlude rather than an annoying interruption.
They were thoroughly enthralled with the animals.
But it was the dinner fellowship that was the greatest gift. We eat on the run way too often. So it was an extravagant gift to talk and catch up with one another. We had a great time. Emily and Christopher are the best children to take out to dinner thanks in part to their other grandparents who dine out frequently. That only added to the evening.
The food is so very good and plenteous. In fact, so plenteous that we ordered only two desserts between the seven of us. Hmmmm good!
Afterward, we went shopping. We cheated and picked up an pre-assembled gingerbread house which we all decorated the following day.
It was sad to see them all go. It was a great visit.
Each morning Ray had made breakfast. He hits the floor running while I ease into the day. He even cooked their eggs to order to accompany waffles, pancakes or french toast whatever that day's specialty was. lol Each morning their dad would laugh and say, "Now don't expect this when you get home."
Again though it was the conversation at the table that made my heart sing. Children speak truthfully. This is delightful in a world where people carefully guard their conversation for fear of being misunderstood or too transparent.
[Let your] conversation [be] without covetousness; [and be] content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Hebrews 13:5
Emily and Christopher don't know that verse, but they live it. A life without guile is a beautiful thing to behold.
Thank you for posting a picture of Margie and her family! Is that your house? I love that color red...and the brick steps...Great Picture, keep them comming.
Bugaboo Creek. Now that sounds interesting.
'Her children rise up and call her Blessed.'
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