A month ago I planned a Cookie Exchange. I knew Margie and her family were coming and I wanted to have lots of special cookies for them and I didn't want to bake them all.
Between my job and Mary Kay, I knew I couldn't do it. So I thought of the young mothers in my church who had even less time. This could bless them, too.
So I went online, found a site called Robin's Cookie Exchange. She has worked out all of the details. Looked like smooth sailing.
I created invitations and on the back side I printed Robin's rules. They were simple and straightforward. No store bought cookies. Cookies must use flour. Adults only. Bring six dozen. It sounded so simple.
As the Cookie exchange approached, I encountered questions like, "I don't want to bake. Can't I just come for the fellowship?" to "I work in a kitchen all day, I'm buying them from my girlfriend."
I was getting uptight and this was supposed to be fun.
Then my friend, Fran, said, "Diane, why are you having the Cookie Exchange?"
I told her I remembered having a house full of children and the frenzy of trying to get everything done for Christmas. I wanted to make it easier for young mothers especially and give them some girl time where they could unwind. AND I wanted beautiful cookies for Margie's visit.
She then said, "Why not trust God for that and relax. Let Him work out the details."
Wow! What a revelation!
I took my peace. Whatever God had planned I was good for it.
As I mulled it over in anticipation of what God had in store, I was reminded of 1 Corinthians 13, "Love does not get puffed up; does not insist on its on way."
I didn't have to insist on "doing it right" but I could leave the day to my Pappa God.
Candace made darling name tags and necklaces for games. Fran typed up other game cards. On Saturday Judi came and stuffed little bags with a little lagniappe for each guest. Mary came as a greeter and director. Marcia was our photographer.
We had a ball!
I am just a girl. My Father loves me right where I am. I don't have to strive to please Him. Just be love as He is love.
Let go and let God...
You mean He cares about a cookie exchange?
Sounds like it was fun. Wish I had been there.
I like the idea of a homemade cookie exchange, until it's time to make the cookies. The only thing that would make this post better would be pictures!
Loved this! I'm delivered of my cookie swap phobia and am already planning mine for next year and the rules are...
Freedom...a glorious thing!
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