Monday, November 18, 2013

Just When I Think I Have It Together Again

Today was a funny, weird sort of day. I found myself stuffing envelopes, certainly not on my to do list when I headed to work this morning. For some reason I find it difficult to do mundane tasks unless I can throw something in the mix.
So I put on YouTube, found Michael W Smith, and put on one of his concerts to listen to while stuffing.

Slowly I shifted from the mundane to beautiful time of worship. Since I was in the office, I did not sing, but the earphones cut out all other noise and it was just Daddy and me. Tears ran down my face as I interceded for a young woman who miscarried a much wanted baby; a young couple forming who they are as one; repenting for some head trash I had carried too long. I remembered the approaching holidays and it made me miss Carrin ever so much. I prayed for the daughters and their families she left behind.
One thousand envelopes later I was cleansed. .
Worship is a two way street. I praise Him because of His love for me and He gives me even more love. I do not have to ever run dry. I just have to remember I was created for His pleasure from dust. I need to make myself available to Him daily for Him to form and shape me into His idea of beautiful.

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