Sunday, March 8, 2009

What Does God Want to Achieve Through Your Life Today?

Each morning when I open my computer, I receive a short devotional from TGIF Today God Is First daily devotionals which is a service of
They have a real heart to bring the Lord to the marketplace. Too often we compartmentalize our life keeping our faith separate from our work. I work for a ministry so it isn't an issue there, but I also sell Mary Kay. I need balance in my life so that I don't go running after goals that aren't God's best for me.
Yesterday's devotion ended with the following written by Os Hillman:
"Today we find many Christian workplace believers living a status quo relationship with God that is more characterized as "business as usual" than a life demonstrating God's power. Our focus is often more concerned with improving our standard of living than improving the Kingdom of God through our circle of influence. While this takes place, millions upon millions die without the saving grace of Christ. Many other Christians die never experiencing the freedom in Christ that His blood paid for. God has called each of us to live for a cause greater than ourselves - a life that is dependent on His grace and power to achieve things we never thought possible through our lives. This is His plan for your life. The apostle Paul prayed that He might experience the power of the resurrection in his life. This power is available to you and me to live for a cause greater than ourselves. Ask God what He wants to achieve through your life today. And consider yourself dead already to the consequences of what that might mean for you.
All day long those last two sentences played in my head. I even made a small poster to keep it in front of me.
Ray say it and said, he overheard someone on the trip from the airport say, " If God told you to do it, why question it? If God did not tell you to do it, then why do it?"
Ever since we began planning the trip to Ireland, I have felt led by the Lord. We have wanted to go for 30 years. But I knew in my "knower" this was the time. I even feel it is not just for ourselves that we are going. I feel as if we are going to deposit something in the lives of people that I do not even know today. I know we won't come back the same either. There will be a paradigm shift- perhaps most markedly for Ray as he returns to the roots of his ancestry.
I think we each have to step away from having to have things all figured out. We have resurrection power within us.
Why are we trying to do things in our own strength? It's like choosing to go across country in a go-cart when there is a Jaquar parked in the driveway.
So I close with Hillman's challenge:
Ask God what He wants to achieve through your life today. And consider yourself dead already to the consequences of what that might mean for you.

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