Saturday, December 6, 2008

Be Still and Know

I have thinking the last couple of days about the word, "yada."
Years ago when we lived outside of Dallas, I studied it and it has been one of those words that serves as a plumb line in my walk with the Lord.

Be still and know that I am God. Ps. 46:10

Yada means to know intimately as a husband and wife know each other. It is not to know of someone, but really know them. To reach that level of intimacy, I must be still. This kind of still requires not only that I stop, but that I sink down with abandon. It is not a pause. It is that luxurious feeling you get as you slip into a relaxing, fragrant bubble bath.
More often than not my moments with God are like a quick cup of coffee. Yes, it is a quick pick me up, but I haven't taken the time to listen, to set the world aside and know His heart for the situation. Nothing can change until I do.
I have found it best to invite the Holy Spirit to fill up to overflowing before my head ever leaves the pillow. Yes, I now that I shouldn't "leak", but I am just a girl and sometimes the cares of the world displace that dunamis power. They are like oil and water. They don't mix.
This week I have stayed home and tried to be still, tried to give my heart a vacation physically. However, drivenness and performance are so ingrained into me, that I sometimes have caught myself feeling guilty for taking time out to just have a cup of tea and read a book.
Why is it hard to be still?
I remember about eight years ago, my friend, Sharon, loaned me her lake house for a week. I went alone with my Bible, writing materials, a couple of craft projects. No telephone or computer. After about 48 hours, I was antsy, restless. I enjoyed the quiet ever so much, but I felt guilty for doing nothing.
God designed us as human BE-ings, not human DO-ings. Yet too often we find our value in what we do. Our society puts a higher value on a doctor than a housekeeper, but I can assure you that coming home to a clean house lovingly done by someone else for me does me more good than all the medical exams that I have ever endured.
So I go back to the call: Be still and know that I am God.
Be still.
Can I perfect that in my relationship with my Father so that same stillness permeates all other relationships. Can I risk being still and transparent or is it a "Hey, how ya doing?" without even pausing for a response?
Be still.
What keeps me from being still? Not the distractions, but what within my being keeps me from being still? I need to recognize that and get rid of it, because it is keeping me from knowing all there is to know of my Father and His love for me.
Be still and know that I am God.
He is God. I am not. If I am still, I am not in His way of perfecting those things that concern me.
Be still and know that I am God.
I am ready.



ewe scrap said...

Absolutely the hardest thing for me to.. Be still and Let God.
I have no trouble getting my body to be still. It is the mind that is the battle ground.
You are such an encouragement.

Cheryl said...

Writing this may have helped yourself, but it is out here now for seach engines to grab and who knows who else it may reach.

Keep blogging. You never know how God will work.