Thursday, April 24, 2014

All That and a Bag of Chips

Not sure where we get the idea sometimes that we have arrived. Life is a journey and if we have indeed arrived, we are finished.

Yet sometimes in the midst of our journey, we park. Not for rest, but to wallow in complacency or self-pity. Self-satisfied that we have done the work. It's time to just enjoy.

It reminds me a child sitting in a berry patch and eating, eating, eating. Instead of picking the berries, cleaning them, sharing them and preserving some, it is all about the moment. Eat, eat, and then comes the belly ache of regret. It is the regret of selfishness, of taking and holding life for yourself only.

We were created for fellowship. Sometimes that fellowship is as much fun as walking across sand spurs. Quickly, we learn that our feet must be covered with the preparation of the gospel of peace.

How much of my journey is spent in preparation? Or because I have been a Christian for years, do I assume I am ready? What pride! Even Jesus drew away in the early morning.

They say that you can see a person's real heart by looking at their checkbook and seeing where they put their resources. I contend that you can see a person's heart also by how they (that includes me) spend their time.

If you kept a diary for a week of how you spent every hour, what priority would God be given. There, of course, is work and sleep. But those other 8-10 hours, who gets them? Is there time for the preparation of the gospel of peace?

I know that is an area I have to work out. A place to begin is Psalm 119. Read and study one section for a week until it gets deep in your heart. I promise it will change your life.

A recent study showed that if a Christian was to be different from others, they must commit to meditating on four verses a week. To help me I sometimes write them on index cards and carry them with me or leave them where I can see them.

I am embarrassed to say that I thought I had a lot of Word, could quote a lot. I was all that and a bag of chips. Well, chips are easily crushed and left out go limp, then rancid.

Let's take a verse today and meditate on it. Let it change us and our perspective.

 I thought on my ways, and turned my feet unto thy testimonies.
 I made haste, and delayed not to keep thy commandments.
Psalm 119:59-60

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