Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Hand of the Father

Ray and I have seen the hand of the Father in designing our travel plans for Ireland. This week he got a letter from his Aunt Anna, 83, who gave him towns and names names of ancestors to seek in the Waterford area. This will be a delightful hide and seek game.
He has given us the ability to exchange dollars into Euros at no fee.
He has given us a guide for Dublin.
The myriad of ways that He has woven this adventure together is awesome.
I am reminded daily of how much our Father god loves us.
We are trusting Him at a level we have never trusted Him before. Leaving our familial support and ways behind, we are going on an adventure with God and have no idea what each day will hold. We decided NOT to make a single reservation for lodging, but rather go where the Father leads us. We want to be a blessing to the people there and are expecting to see God's hand in it.
Can you take six minutes to listen to this Love Letter from the Father?
You see He loves you as much as He does us for He is not a respector of persons.

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