Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Fingerpainting with God

What would happen if the fruit of the Spirit was represented by pots of finger paint?
Would love be red, joy a sunny yellow and peace a soft blue? Would longsuffering be purple and gentleness a soft pink? What would you choose for goodness, faith, meekness and temperance?

We are to come as a little child. How would we paint the picture of our life each day?
Imagine using your fingers to scoop a generous amount of paint onto the paper. Then smearing the globs of paint around with your fingers to create your painting.
Which colors would you choose?
This isn't a time to be timid. The best finger paintings have lots of bright colors and bold strokes . Use your fingers to create swirls or pictures. You can even use the side of your hand or your whole hand. How much pressure will you use when you put down a glob of love?
If you get impatient and overblend the colors, they will become murky. You may even tear the very thing you were trying to create.
I wonder what God sees when He looks down and sees us applying these colors to our every day life? Are there some colors that we never use?
While creating the painting of the day, if we don't move quickly with these fruit, the paint can dry before we finish. But a splash of the water of the Word gets things moving again.
Perhaps the most important thing we can learn about finger painting is that it has to dry flat.
If you hang your masterpiece for the whole world to see before God has dried it, the colors will run and the picture will be ruined.
Finger painting is fun. It is not passive, but active and bold. You create an original with your life daily. It is an opportunity to brighten your world.
Now go paint a beautiful day for His glory.

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