Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

For over two weeks, I have been struggling to create my annual goals which are high enough to stretch me, yet not so high I will give up and quit. If I quit anything, I beat myself up. I can do that no longer for what you think becomes part of who you are and I am not choosing defeat any longer.

There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof [are] the ways of death. Prov. 16:25

If I choose to hook up with something that is not God's will for my life, I can bring death upon myself. That may sound harsh, but how many people do you know who live their lives in driven-ness and performance and they are lonely, empty and hollow inside? I am not going to live like that. Been there, done that. Age can make you wiser. You never know how bound you are until you get free.

Because this freedom is new to me, I don't know how to live without the goals and the plans. But there is a paradigm shift coming in my spirit man. This morning I released those goals and plans to Father God and my prayer is give me this day my daily bread.

Yes, I can make appointments. Yes, I can dream. However, I can no longer afford to etch goals and plans in stone for it would confine me to what I see. My Father sees much further and deeper. He knows what tomorrow holds and it is my heart's cry to do what I see Him doing, to hear Him say, "This is the way; walk in it."

Corrie Tem Boom once said, "Hold everything loosely, because it hurts when God pries your fingers open."

I place this day in my open hand.


walktalkdo2 said...

Wow! I love reading what you write!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the encouragement!

Mari said...

Amen! I love when I hear others are being encouraged in the same areas I am...may we encourage one another. Thanks for your sharing and your transparency. Bless you!