Thursday, September 19, 2013

Will You Trust Him?

I really thought I was a mighty woman of faith until I recognized  areas of my life where I really did not trust God. Oh, I trusted Him if I could see how it was going to play out or if I had my fingers in the pie. I was always "helping God out."

However, I had not reached that place of absolute surrender.

I have to admit there were times I tried to micromanage God. Not my smartest decision.
An email came today that reminded me of those time. I did not write this and I searched Google but could not find the proper attribution. If someone finds/knows it, I will happily give credit where credit is due.

" There were two men who were friends who each bought a little Olive Tree on the same day. They went home and planted them.
One man prayed and say Oh God, please send the rain for my little Olive Tree - and God did. And then he prayed and asked God to please send a lot of sunshine - and God did. And on and on - and then he asked God to send a  little snow for his tree - and again God answered his prayers. Over and over he asked and over and over God did just what he asked for.
One day he decided to go to his friend's house and visit him and see how he was doing and how his Olive Tree was. His friend was happy to see him and they went out to see his Olive Tree! It was so much healthier, bigger and full of Olives! He was just amazed at how much better his friend's tree was! With all that prayer he had done over his tree - how could it be?
So he asked his friend what in the world he had done? What secret did he have? What did he know?
His friend laughed and said "Oh, I don't know anything about Olive Trees, so I just prayed and told God that I did not know anything, but I asked Him to bless my little tree with do whatever it needed to grow and flourish and have great olives - and look what God has done!"

WOW! Busted! How many years did I do the work and expected  that He will bring the harvest. How many times was I doing things that were good ideas, but not God's?
His ways are higher than mine. So essentially I am asking Him to bless my mess!

In areas where I am disobedient, there will be no blessing. I need to yield to Him and allow Him to direct my paths. The Bible says His plans for me are for good and not evil. So what prevents me from fully trusting Him?
Today I need to take a leap of faith. Is anything too hard for God?

1 comment:

Ida Marie said...

I try and pray for God's will to be done. It is how Jesus said to pray. It is hard not to ask God for what we want versus His will.