Sunday, August 16, 2009

Seeing More Clearly Now

All of my life I have struggled with black and white thinking.
People that go black and white in their thinking don’t make allowance for gray. It’s either, either/or, up or down and then when they find the gray in their life that means they’re not always perfect or bad. Then they blame themselves. They are hard on themselves. Then they have a little guilt issue, because they can’t get it all together all the time so fast. This is a disease maker, when we go black and white in our thinking. I shift into performance and drivenness to get it right. There is certainly nothing wrong with having a desire to change, but the enemy will join you to help you by - by accusing you in your heart towards yourself. Because it seems like you haven’t got everything done. You haven’t won every battle. And so then maybe there’s some accusing spirits that are accusing you to yourself about your journey.
All of this can cause self-accusation, self-bitterness, self-rejection, which could affect your health, because you cannot take your peace. Now you are at war with yourself. It’s always a self versus self battle. And you’re not your enemy. But the enemy would love to come, because you’re very sincere. When God has met your faith. He has met your sincerity, but you’re still being changed. Then we need to give ourselves time to work through it. Grow through this. Grow up in this, and don’t be so hard on ourself.
We're just girls. We don’t have to be strong in everything. Most of us had a lot of stuff you brought with you from our childhood. Our parents did the best that they could with what they knew and what they themselves were taught. It's time to move beyond that and ask our Father to show us people and situations as He sees them.There is no grace in the black and white. I need His grace and mercy. I am asking for His eyes as I continue on this journey.It's better than 20/20. It's eternal.

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